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Find me on Bladefist in World of Warcraft. 

Okay, so I play online video games. While I am a forty-something, filthy casual gamer, I take my virtual world seriously. Having said that, I am definitely not an Elitest Jerk. I am the original Tinkerspell (often imitated never duplicated) and I main a restoration Night Elf druid on Bladefist in World of Warcraft. I do play other on and offline games as well and can also be found hiding in Hogwart's as of late. Want to see what I've been up to? Scroll on.

My Story

Gamers are weird. I get it. Who would want to spend THAT much time behind a screen- voluntarily? Why be inside, when there's so much to do outside? Online people aren't real people just like online relationships aren't real relationships and online friends aren't really friends... right? I'll take Myths and Misconceptions of Being a Gamer for $1000, Alex.


Being a gamer is tough. Being a female gamer is even tougher. I've had people make sexist remarks, hit on me, tell me I'm not actually a woman because girls don't game, and have received a plethora of remarks I would rather not repeat when they figure out that I am indeed of the opposite sex.  Thankfully every platform that I have played on that has the potential for social interaction either has a way to turn off said social feature or completely block individual users. And while there are individuals out there that are genuinely interested in gaming and finding like minded gamers regardless of gender identity I have found them to be few and far between. 


One of those few and far between gamers is my husband.  I met Ken (aka Angando) in World of Warcraft when his guild needed a healer for a Naxx run. That was way back in 2009 and the rest is history. Together we have played too many titles to list, but some of our favorite cooperative or MMO games are World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Project Zomboid, Crown of the Gods, Ark, V Rising, Lost Ark, New World and the Civilization series. WoW is currently on the front burner and we co-manage Arkheim, our guild and community on Bladefist. 

Meet My Toons

Some of the games I enjoy playing 

A flame over a coat of arms
Woman riding a dinosaur
Female vampire sitting on a throne
A man fighting a horde of zombies
The letter 'T' surrounded by a ring of fire

Please note that these are NOT affiliate links or an endorsement of any particular gaming platform. There are simply here as a convenience to the reader.

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